Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful boy

After all the Christmas activities are over and done with I’ve now got a chance to catch up on some posts I’ve been meaning to add.  The most important would be my weeny boy’s 2nd birthday!  His birthday fell on the same day as our extended family Christmas catch up, so we had quick birthday presents in the morning, and then his little party the following day.  It turned out great as we all got to see the family, and Dylan thought his birthday just kept on going!

He absolutely loved opening his presents this year. Such a change to last year when turning 1 seemed to be a huge deal for us, but he didn’t really understand the concept of birthdays or presents or parties.  This year, he jabbers away about parties and most importantly about cake!  He’s started calling it “Happy cake”, and I guess that’s what it is.  He’s started to try to sing the “Happy Birthday” song, but it just comes out as “Happy Happy to you” which is kinda cute.

We decided against trying to invite more family members, or any of our friends with kids, or even the few friends Dylan has made through daycare or our Mothers group.  It’s just too hard this time of year to pin people down on a weekend.  But I think it turned out a good number, with not too many to overwhelm the birthday boy.
We decorated parts of the house, and set up and area outside to keep the foot traffic down (and mess!) from inside the house.  I planned to minimise the cooking on the day due to lack of prep time after the family Christmas catch up the day before.  I’m so glad I did!  There was still plenty to do, including decorate the birthday cake, but I felt so much more relaxed and actually got to enjoy the day. 
No idea why he wanted to wear his mickey mouse ears!
The best present EVER! A train set
Someone loves Peppa Pig!
He had to try on his new hat!
This boy loves a digger!
The Kombi was  HUGE hit!
This 2 year old NEEDED a truck cake!
Happy 2nd birthday darling boy! You are such a little sweetheart and we can't wait to celebrate many more special birthdays with you!



  1. Happy happy to you, Dylan! We loved coming and having happy cake with you! xxx


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