The Christmas post

So I figured as every other blog I read has done a wrap up of Christmas Day & it's associated festivities, I should do one too.  We started the day at home and thankfully at quite a reasonable hour (around 7:30ish!).  Dylan came out to see the Christmas tree and immediately spied all the presents.  He certainly needed no invitation to dig in and get unwrapping!  Once the presents were done, and half the house was packed up, we headed up to my Mum's place for Christmas lunch.  There were plenty of toddler tantrums, and not enough nap time, but overall it was a lovely day. Dylan was spoilt rotten and I think I fared pretty well too!  As usual we over-catered, as enough food was prepared to feed a small army!  I tried making a couple of new dishes over the festive season, and I'm pretty happy with how they all turned out.  I just don't want to see any more chocolate/biscuits/cheeses/cakes/other naughty foods for a while cos I think i may have overdone it a wee bit! Except ham, there's always room for more ham!

And thankfully it's all over for another year!  I'm hoping next year's will be stress-free, tantrum-free, but just as enjoyable with family and friends.



  1. Oh dear! That door sign looks very un-Christmas spirited of me . . .

    . . . but I still like it! And will no doubt hang it up again next year! :-) xxx


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