
During the past week we took advantage of the sunny afternoon and went for a little walk along the river not too far from where we live. The minute Dylan saw the little strip of sandy beach his requests for "pants off", "shirt off", were just irresistible! He put his feet in the water and kicked along the sandy shore. Each time a boat, or a person in a kayak or some other floating vessel came along I'm sure everyone within a kilometre radius heard him announce it! He was just so excited! A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 201 5 We also wandered along the jetty and stood and watched all the happenings at the boat ramp. Very interesting for a 2 year old indeed! It was just so lovely and chilled and I really would love more days like this. I even mentioned to hubby that just maybe I could handle us having a little boat. Something small and manageable, where we could pack all our swimming gear, a picnic lunch and j...