Oh god gastro!

What a horrible horrible week it's been so far.  I've seen and done things I really don't like one little bit.  I'd like this week to be completely erased from memory and never to be spoken of again!

On Sunday night I had settled in to read the last 30 or so pages of the book I had strung out the reading sessions since Christmas.  It's the latest book in the series where the first book, River God, is my all time favourite.  I had happily finished the last page and settled down for sleep.  15 minutes later as I'm drifting off I hear Dylan call out and have a bit of a cry.  He calms, and I figure he'll go back to sleep.  30 seconds later, another cry, and some calling out to me. I reluctantly get up and go in to find him sitting up at one end of his cot, pointing near the opposite end.  And then the smell hits me... that unmistakeable stench of vomit.  I switched his lamp on to find piles and piles of chunkiness all over his cot bedding, his sleeping bag, his pjs, and his teddy!  And it didn't get any better after that.

We got everything cleaned up and resettled only to have him bring up another round of last night's dinner on all the bedding again within 20 minutes.  The poor little man was just so sick.  Over the next few hours he stood in the bathroom with his head and hands over the toilet bowl.  We washed the bedding again and even had a load going in the dryer as we don't keep more than 1 spare of the current season's sleeping bag.  He had a final big puke around 3am, and settled down for close to 2 hours.  And that's the only sleep I got, as the 5am call out for more vomiting in his cot, left me awake and on alert until my alarm went off at 5:40am.  So up I got and began all the usual tasks for getting ready to go off to work.  I left Dylan asleep in his cot, surrounded by towels and a small bucket, and a very tired hubby who had been up with me cleaning and comforting a small sick little man.  I got in to work to find it would be a pretty busy day.  The projects I was working on required a good deal of thought and concentration, and no amount of coffee was going to fix it.  I was exhausted, I was in a foul mood and nothing was going right.  I just wanted to get the hell out of there and go home to bed!

By the time I did get home, dinner time was swift, and bath, bottle, and bed just couldn't come quick enough.  I knew I was extremely tired so put my lack of appetite down to that.  Within 2 hours of my head hitting the pillow, I was up and riding the porcelain bus myself.  Oh god shoot me now!!  I knew there was no way I was going to work the next day, but I was hoping that I could somehow, in between rushed trips to the toilet, I could get Dylan off to daycare, so I could wallow at home in my gastro misery.  But it was not to be.  Dylan called out in the morning that he was "sick sick", and off we went to hang his head over the toilet again.  The rest of the day was spent mostly in bed, surrounded by towels and buckets, sometimes with ABC for Kids on the tv to keep Dylan entertained between naps.

I should feel lucky... Dylan stopped vomiting reasonably soon, however the sloppy nappies have gotten worse.  He's complained of a tummy ache, and the foul smells that have come from his nappy are just atrocious!  Yesterday he managed to managed to have the diarrhoea shoot down the leg of his nappy, through his shorts, onto his shoes and then drip on the floor as he came walking inside crying "poo mummy poo".  I nearly threw up. 

So far today we've still had diarrhoea nappies, but at least Dylan has warned me with enough time to sit him on the toilet.  He sat there for a good 20 minutes, and the poor darling just cried as it all came out.  He's now got horrible red sores on his little bottom and I just want this to stop and to make him all better again.  Bland food, and very little of it is on the menu here, and hopefully lots of long naps will help get rid of this bug.  Looking forward to feeling a little more human soon.



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