Sometimes you just need a chocolate hit

I was looking for something sweet to make, just cause, and I knew a simple chocolate cake would go down incredibly well.  I began googling for recipes and then I remembered reading about one that was supposed to be pretty good.  Yeah sure it might be good, but all these loonies raving about it on twitter/facebook/instagram must be all having a lend of themselves.  They even gave the cake a name... Anne?  So I made it.  It was a really simple recipe with no difficult steps, which probably contributed to my scepticism.  It took a lot longer to cook in the oven than the recipe stated.  It looked ok.  It smelt pretty good too.  The recipe had a simple icing recipe to go with it, but which called for icing mixture.  Of course I did NOT have a packet in my cupboard, only 15 packets of pure icing sugar, so I switched to another recipe to make my chocolate icing.  Can anyone tell me why icing sugar goes lumpy the minute the packet is open???  It took probably 20 minutes longer than it should have while I carefully sifted that bloody lumpy icing sugar shit into a bowl.  I had 2 very hungry looking boys waiting in anticipation of a big slice landing on a plate somewhere nearby and I couldn't even get the icing sorted!!

Finally the icing was done. I whacked it on the top of the cake, not particularly carefully, took a quick snap, before slicing it up and shovelling it in my gob.  Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!!  It's sooo good!  Oh Anne!  How could I have doubted you???  You are just amazing!  I can't believe I've missed out on this wondrous cake until now! 

So, if you have not tried Anne, I strongly suggest you give her a go! 
Recipe can be found here.
The recipe I used for this icing can be found here.


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