
Just when think surely life must be about to get better, bam! No!  We've now been struck down with horrid colds.  Dylan has had a temperature all week and his head cold is making him miserable.  Last night was the first night we've had in a week where Dylan didn't have us up one or multiple times to re-administer panadol/change nappies/rub vicks on his chest/wipe a cool washer over his face/provide extra cuddles, or a combination of all of these. It's just been exhausting.

We got Dylan outside to have a bit of a play in the sunshine this morning.  Hubby took a big soft ball out for them to kick or throw, and just see if he would have a go.  There were a few fleeting runs and kicks of the ball, then mostly tiredness, grumpiness and calls for "mummy cuddles".  At least he smiled for a bit!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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