The things we do to fill out our day

I'm very quickly realising that this lovely summer is almost over, and with the end of summer also comes the end of daylight savings. Now autumn is certainly not all doom and gloom, but I am firmly in the summer-loving camp.  We've been having a fair bit of trouble in the past weeks getting Dylan to sleep, both daytime naps and night time.  He cries, he calls out, we go in to his room and we hear every "excuse" under the sun. Here's the usual list:

  • He needs a "mummy cuddle"
  • He wants some water.... but only from one specific drink bottle
  • He needs a tissue
  • He needs to go to the toilet
  • He's hot, he wants his fan on
  • He's "sick" and needs medicine
  • He wants his toy train
  • He wants a specific toy car and don't even think about getting him the wrong one cos that will be the end of the world
  • He wants you to rinse his dummy as it tastes "yucky"
  • He wants a "daddy cuddle"
  • He wants a different dummy
  • He wants a different soft toy to cuddle
  • He has a hair in his mouth and he will stick his tongue out and expect you to find and pick off the hair, usually in the pitch dark!
And the list goes on... So to try to combat the fighting of sleep we are trying to fill our days and evenings with activities and things to wear him out.  He's a brief visual of our day..

I decided to live dangerously – and hang a load of washing on the line!  It sprinkled on me just as I hung up the second pair of socks!  Grrr!  Dylan decided to play in the basket.
Then he wanted Mummy to play cars in the basket. 
Puddles on the driveway are fair game.  This is where he got his pants and his T Shirt muddy and wet... I love more washing!!  NOT!
We watered the herbs.  Very helpful!
Then we watered the concrete so we had more puddles to splash in.  Not helpful!
We stopped to smell the flowers... Awww...
And then ran around in circles in the backyard.
We took a little drive down to Picnic Point and walked along the river’s edge.
Much sand was squished in between his toes, which was where I realised he – being the big boy he is – had put his shoes on the wrong feet!
We had to keep stopping to look at boats, ducks on the water, and anything right near the edge that took his fancy!
We had to stop and wave at some guys who were scooting along the water on hovercraft! Now that was exciting!  They waved back too.  Maybe they were having a little chuckle at hubby and his mini-me.... Matching checked shorts and Kombi T-shirts!
Post nap time we took a little trip to the local nursery and pick up a couple of plants.  Home again and Dylan helped dig the holes, put the new plants in, sprinkle a bit more dirt around where ever it probably shouldn't go, and finally water them in.  What a little helper!


  1. I love all those 'not going to sleep' excuses!! xxx


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