
A day late, but better than missing a whole week I guess.  Yesterday we had a family catch up for my birthday.  Birthdays just remind me of how fast the years are flying and how dreadfully old I'm getting!  So for a bit of fun my lovely sister in law baked me my very first Dolly Varden cake.  Absolutely hilarious!!  I loved it!!  All the kids got in and tried pinching off the marshmallows.  Dylan and his cousin Charlie had turns at blowing out the candle, and even once the doll was removed and the candle was off the cake, it was re-lit a number of times just for fun.  Just love Dylan expression here as the candle was moved closer to him to have a go.  What kid doesn't like blowing out birthday candles?

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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