A little something about me

The past few months seem to have slipped by just so fast. I keep meaning to add the odd post during the week, but just don't seem to get there.  Good intentions, poor execution. Oh well!

I have a little secret. It's not something I am actively hiding, but not many people know so I guess it's kinda secret.  I've decided on a little self improvement.  Something to make me feel just a little bit better about myself, cos we surely put ourselves down far too much.  Now I wish it was to lose another 15 kilos, make my skin better, or acquire a perfectly matching, figure flattering wardrobe. But it's not! Those things will just have to wait I'm afraid.  I decided to fix my smile.  Its something I've thought of doing for years. I probably first thought about it 7 years ago, maybe more, but just didn't want to fork out the big bucks.  Again I contemplated my options as I approached my wedding in 2009. In the end I decided that I wouldn't fix my teeth, I just got them whitened for the big event and I was super impressed.  

Fast forward to about 3 months ago and at my 6 monthly check up my dentist mentions to me a new procedure for adult braces.  The 2 mains road blocks for me going through with it were always the length of time it took and the cost.  This new procedure being offered was a cosmetic improvement and tagged as 'half the time and half the cost'.  So my concerns were essentially halted and i gave myself a few weeks to think about it.  What have I got to lose?!?!

In early May I rocked up to my appointment and got myself half a mouthful of metal, or plastic, or whatever they are!  Initially I was disappointed that only the top braces were attached, but I'm now rather grateful for the time I had to adjust.  I was advised that my teeth needed a month or so for the top row to move and straighten out a bit so that it allowed a bit of room for my bottom braces due to my bite.  That first month has flown with relatively little pain and only minor discomfort, mostly in the first week.  A couple of weeks ago I headed back to the dentist. He was very impressed with just how much my top teeth have moved and become aligned in that first month.  There had been enough movement so that he could attach the braces to my bottom teeth.  These little buggers are where the braces really have their work cut out for them.

In that first week I had almost constant headaches and really had to change some of my eating habits.  My teeth weren't particularly tender which I found unusual, but my whole jaw was aching and no doubt the source of my headaches.  I have extra dental bond to build up some of my teeth so that my braces don't clash with my teeth, but it has irritated my tongue to no end.  Eating is a slow process and I've certainly opted for softer foods.  My breakfast toast has made way for yoghurt, sandwiches on lovely chewy breads has changed to soups and dinner has simply avoided anything crunchy or requiring a lot of biting.  I also have noticed how badly stained the clear plastic parts on the braces get when eating tomato-based meals or other bright colours.  So I am unfortunately limiting  these items, and not enjoying too many glasses of red wine with dinner either. So sad!

The one thing I've really noticed about having these braces is the fact that so many people DONT notice them!  Yeah sure that's a good thing as they don't stand out too much. But seriously, where are people looking if they talk to me if they aren't looking at my face?!! Maybe some people notice but don't point it out as it's possibly not so polite. Are these the same people that would let you have a conversation and not point out that you've left half  your lunch smeared on the side of your face? Ha!  It's braces! I won't feel embarrassed, I promise!

Anyway, I don't plan to turn this into a blog all about my teeth, so that's enough from me. Maybe I'll add an update in a few months when hopefully all is fixed and the braces come off.  I don't have any pics of me with both top and bottom braces in view as that would be horrendous so I'll leave you with just a glimpse of the ones in view when I smile!



  1. PS. Next time I see you I promise to notice ... and tell you so 😄

  2. I swear people aren't commenting on them because they are so damn hard to see!! And it will all be so very worthwhile in the end . . . . which will be here before we know it! xxx


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