
Dylan - I just love this one!  It was a windy day and you were playing with the peg basket while I was hanging out the washing.  You had things all piled up until a big gust of wind blew it all down.  Lucky I had the camera ready to see you getting so cranky at that naughty wind!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan -  On the 5th of Jan you got your 4th tooth cut through your top gum.  You seemed to have a bit better time with this one, and thank goodness for that!  You are chewing anything and everything at the moment to get some relief from those teeth.  Even pegs are fair game apparently.  This past weekend you started pulling yourself upright.  I knew it was coming as you'd been attempting it for a while.  Just in case you were successful we moved the mattress of your cot down to the lower level during the week.  Why are you growing up so quick baby boy??

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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