
Dylan - Some days, you are my little shadow. Following me where ever I go, what ever I do, you are there. You are still my little mumma's boy. Ever so affectionate.  You randomly tell me you love me and give me a big hug.  Some days, it's just what I need to hear.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - My goodness you are growing up.  Pulling yourself upright is ever so much fun now.  You can stand for much longer periods of time, and the daredevil in you holds on with one hand which makes me race over to catch you before you fall.  Those top teeth are moving down now and so when you are happy with yourself, you give us the sweetest big cheesy grins.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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