Whatever happened to my sweet bubba and where did this cheeky, mischievous, small boy come from? My goodness Dylan has been hard work lately. Everything takes twice as long as it should. Whether it's sitting at the table for dinner or finding a pair of socks to wear. He just doesn't listen. It drives me bonkers! Today he played outside with his cozy coupe and his tricycle while I did some gardening. He wasn't content with staying behind the gate, he had to come and see what I was doing. Only after I told him about a thousand times to not touch the rose bush (so of course he got spiked), he left and went back into the yard. He then proceeded to scare the pants off me by zooming down the driveway on his tricycle, seemingly out of control, heading straight for the road, before giggling like crazy and stopping. I'm sure he's giving me grey hairs and a one way ticket to the loony bin. This was a quick shot I got of him contemplati...
Gorgeous boys! xxxx