
Dylan - You still enjoy checking out our little crop of tomatoes.  It seems that every few days just recently we get to pick a few when we are watering our little garden together.  I make sure that everyone in the family knows when we are actually eating some of our home grown crop, and I just love that you seem to taste the difference with the store bought ones.  Lately you've asked to help out when it comes to food prep in the kitchen, and you are especially interested in helping when I make our morning coffee.  Suddenly now that you are helping, foods and flavours that you didn't like before are now good and tasty and you enjoy it.  Just stop growing up so quick beautiful boy!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan -  My goodness you have been a shockingly bad sleeper lately. The frequent wake ups are just KILLING ME!  It's somehow worse than a newborn, cos at least as a newborn you slept ALOT during the night. And he was tiny and cute and you could forgive the odd wake ups. But now that we are almost at eleven months I just cant do it.  As he heads off to start daycare this week, and I start back at work next week, I don't quite know how I'll cope if this continues while trying to slide back into the work routine.  As much as I don't want to go back to work, I need to at least put in a good effort while I am there. You never know when you might need that job/income/lifestyle to continue.  Life is just too short.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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