
Dylan - This week we got sent home information from your kindy for their "Transition to School" program.  You are one of the big boys at kindy this year, and you'll be learning so much stuff to get you ready for primary school next year.  How did that happen? How can you be off to big school next year?  Where did my weeny boy go?

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - The weeks are speeding by ever so fast now. You've only got just over 2 weeks before you start at kindy with your big brother.  You love standing, but don't seem to be super steady on your chubby little feet.  I guess that means there is a good chance you won't walk until after you've started kindy, and there's a good chance I might miss seeing it happen which makes me just so sad.  So for now you commando crawl around my floors and just beam at me.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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