
Dylan - Someone mentioned the other day about feeling a bit sick, and soon enough I was asked to retrieve his doctors kit.  I managed to escape and let Teddy be the patient this time.  We've talked a bit about how your heart beats inside your chest and you need it to keep you alive.  Occasionally Dylan just adds into a random conversation that Poppy's heart stopped beating, which is both sweet and so sad at the same time.  After his own check up a month or so ago we know how to use his stethoscope to make sure ours and Teddy's heart's are still going.  My caring little Doctor Dylan!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - The countdown is on til you are off to Kindy with your big brother next week.  It's looking less and less likely that you'll walk between now and then.  I've been trying to get you to say "Mum", but that's not even happening.  How can I possibly send my baby who can't walk and can't even say "Mum" off to be looked after by someone else??  Every time I sit him up and say "mum mum mum mum" in front of him, he ends up just smiling and then blowing raspberries at me.  Although he will now copy me and blow raspberries back at me. Such a funny dribbly game!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



  1. Could Doctor Dylan come and check Grandma? That raspberry-blowing baby is getting her heart racing! xxxx


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