
Dylan - One of your favourites is still Buzz and Woody.  You came home from daycare this past week so excited that they'd put one of the Toy Story movies on for a while.  You told us all about the movie, over and over and over!  I'm glad you enjoyed it, and it's a nice change from hearing about and requesting the Cars movie!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - Poor baby boy came down with a bit of a cold this week.  You've been a bit cranky, and not sleeping the best, and the runny snotty nose is just horrible.  At least with the weather cooling down you've been able to be all snuggly and warm at night.  I pulled out of the pile of Dylan's old baby clothes a few warmer items this past week.  I tried on the little Bulldogs jacket. I loved it but it made me a bit sad.  Your Poppy would have absolutely loved to see you in it.  I so wish he was here. 

You are just so close to walking now.  You stand up unaided, and sort of take a half step and a bit of a lunge and fall forward.  Your not quite able to step that foot forward and keep your balance.  So close now my little sweetheart.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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