Dylan - My goodness you are growing up! We've started your school readiness program at daycare, and even begun your weekly "homework". I'm sure the novelty of it all will wear off soon enough, but I'm glad you seem so happy to be learning. You've currently got this strange obsession with making and then flying paper aeroplanes. Some days it drives me bonkers! You never know when a paper aeroplane will come sailing past you. It's not a good idea to throw them near the kitchen, and it definitely wasn't a good idea to have it land right in the scented candle I was burning. Cleaning red wax off the benchtops wasn't my idea of fun. But it could have been worse if the paper had caught alight! Let's not do that again okay?
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017 |
Tristan - Oh my sweet cheeky bubba! Nearly 1 year old. I can't believe a whole year has gone by since you arrived into the world. You are still crawling everywhere, and only taking 1 step at a time before falling. You haven't worked out where the "off" switch is yet when it comes to mealtimes. You are one hungry boy! Your favourite but most annoying trick right now is sneaking off and crawling into the shower. You play with the shampoo bottles on the floor and just enjoy the wet floor until we drag you out, annoyed that your clothes are all wet having to change you. We hear the occasional "mum mum mum" sounds, but they are sort of random and I'm not totally convinced you are saying my name yet. We just love the cheeky grins we get from you. You melt my heart baby boy.
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017 |
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