16 Feb - Create

Today's topic for the February Photo a Day challenge is "Create".

I really feel like I lost my mojo today. We were busy all day. I had no inspiration for something creative. Every time I tried to take a photo of Dylan my stupid point-and-shoot camera would go completely out of focus and it just frustrated the hell out of me. I'm looking at upgrading to a nice digital SLR camera soon, but we've had a number of other expenses lately that took priority. Hopefully a flashy new camera will help me "create" some great and memorable shots.

The closest I got to anything creative was some cooking I did this afternoon for Dylan.  My stocks of frozen baby foods and finger foods were running low. I hadn't really done any research on what new menu items I might make but as my hubby was popping out to the supermarket to pick up a few essentials I added a couple of ingredients to the list and then set out to use them to create something edible.  I did only get one shot (and a crummy iPhone shot at that) of the pork & veggie risotto, none of the fishcakes, or the parmesan chicken fingers I managed to create! I'm pleased to report Dylan loved them all and so dinner was a success and a whinge free zone (okay... mostly whinge-free!).



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