
Week 18

So this week, and really for the past few weeks we've all been on the cold/flu merry-go-round.  Dylan brings home a cough, a runny nose etc from daycare and I inevitably catch it. By the time I'm starting to recover, Dylan catches it again, and eventually hubby catches it, worst of all (apparently!!).  We just haven't been able to get a break and it's driving us nuts.  Somehow, after a period of not so great sleeps, thanks to Dylan's cold, this weekend we hit the jackpot!!  Sleep-ins. BOTH DAYS.  How freaking good is that??  We all snoozed until around 8:45am which is a miracle in this household!  Even after Dylan decided to wake up this morning he got pulled into our bed and snuggled up with his Daddy while I prepared his milk and breaky.  What a great start to the day!!

A photo of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Happy wee boy, even with his colds. Dr Mum prescribes a fortnight in the sun at some swanky resort in Fiji as a cure for the rounds of ills. xxx

  2. Wait until he's 16 ... he'll never leave his bed then ;0)


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