
Week 20

Dylan got to play with his cousin Charlie today.  They ran around and chased each other. Charlie, being 6 months older than Dylan was probably a whole lot faster at running and doing the catching, but Dylan still squealed with delight!  He fell asleep shortly after we left, and slept almost the entire 1.5 hour drive home, only waking 2 minutes away from our place.  So there was no way he'd go back down for his proper nap.  We had to try and tire him out for his afternoon sleep so we've been playing with a ball, his walker and anything interesting we could find in the garden.  Right before he decided to stick his hands in the dirty bird bath water he was looking just so sweet and angelic I got this shot.  He's loving his beanie right now - even on these strangely warm autumn days!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. He's gonna think he only lives 5 minutes away from Grandma! That's all he sees of the journey! :-)


  2. Well it is a very cool beanie ;0)


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