
Week 19

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums!

I think I scored a jackpot! Not only did we get sleep-ins both days last weekend, but we got sleep-ins both days this weekend too!! What the hell is going on?? How did Dylan suddenly realise that sleeping til a more civilised hour on the weekends is a wonderful thing?

So one of my few wishes for Mothers Day was granted, a sleep in, and god it felt good!  We had a lazy-ish morning, a decent coffee, happy days. Dylan made me a beautiful painting at Daycare and it meant the world to me.

I got to spend the day with my lovely mum who came for lunch. Good food, good company. and a cocktail to boot!  What a great day.  Dylan was thrilled to see Grandma's iPad  mini most of all!  He pushes the button, he swipes the screen, Siri talks to him and he giggles.  Toddler tantrums galore if you try to take it off him!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. What a cutie!

    Lucky you with the sleeping in... wish you knew what was going on so that you could share the magic my way.

    1. Thanks Sally. I'm still none the wiser about the sleeping in unfortunately!!

  2. Well we know what will be on Dylan's Christmas Wish List this year then.


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