More on the VW Nationals

I had to take a quick snap of Dylan this morning before we left for the Show.  Comparing today's photo to the one I took of him after the VW Nationals last year, it's hard to comprehend how much has happened and how he has changed.

For some reason this year my hubby was really interested in the cars that were for sale.  Not necessarily show quality cars, and not complete "project" cars either.  Don't know why though. We don't have the room for another car and he wouldn't pay for another project either.  And none of our cars are earmarked as for sale... I think he's just dreaming!

I could totally see myself in this... Its a wagon, so heaps of room in the back for kid stuff. Sure it might not be able to get over a speedhump in the shopping centre car park, but that's irrelevant!

For our next Kombi, I want this. And if I can't have this, then I'll have...

This... Love those vintage eskies!

So many pretty ones all in a row!



  1. Might be time to invest in another garage???

    1. No way Jo!! We need more house space not car space!

  2. Woo hoo that's my Wagon! :) more pics on instagram "Taylor_LI"


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