Time flies when you're having fun!

Wow! Where did the last few weeks go?? One minute I was enjoying my final week of maternity leave and the next it's practically Christmas and I feel like I've been going to work forever and ever!! So I went back to work. That first day was torture. I was hoping to sneak out the door in the morning before my weeny boy woke up. Well he probably would have stayed asleep but my hubby decided to get up and bang and crash about the house. So of course Dylan woke up. I had to have some cuddles before I left but I just didn't want to let him go. He waved to me in his daddy's arms as I reversed down the driveway. Tears streaming... Make up running... Not a happy moment. I thought of him numerous time throughout the day, and managed to only ring home once to check up on what he was doing. The couple of photos that my hubby emailed through of Dylan's activities kept me going until it was time to race home. Once home I think I cuddled and kissed him for well over an hour. Po...