I should be washing not blogging!

I thought for a while that I've fallen off the blogging planet. Just always too busy to sit down and write. But now, my cuppa is hot, Dylan is napping, and I don't feel guilty about the washing still sitting in the washing machine. Ok, just a bit guilty...

We've had a shocker of a day yesterday. I had so much washing to do after our weekend away, but Dylan just kept making more for me! He's just on the cusp of outgrowing the 'infant' sized nappies he uses. They say 4-8kgs. At Dylan's 6 month check up he was 7.6kgs fully clothed, so by now he'd be pretty close to hitting the 8 kilos. So almost every nappy change we had yesterday was the result of him wetting through his nappy and onto his clothes.  We went through so many outfits, it would have put some fashionistas to shame!

We've just come back from a weekend away up the mid north coast. Our car club has a weekend in Sawtell as a casual catch up, once every two years. We hold it on the alternate year to the VW Spectacular - a weekend event in Nambucca, staying at Valla Beach. The Sawtell event has only been run the last 5 or 6 years now and we've only missed it once. The cabins we stay in are really nice, right on the beach, with park and playground areas for kiddies, and a big outdoor camp kitchen for catching up with everyone. The caravan park is a 2 minute walk into the Main Street of Sawtell, where there are plenty of cafes, shops, restaurants, an RSL club, and a Bowling club. So other than trips in to Coffs Harbour or other local towns, once we have arrived there isn't any driving to do.  We packed up our Kombi with half the house and headed off super early on Friday morning. Even at 4:30am, there was still a bit of traffic to get across Sydney and head up the freeway.

The trip up was mostly uneventful, other than the weld breaking and our tailpipe falling off! Hubby had a big box full of tools and spares, just in case. Thankfully we never needed any of them.  We weren't sure how Dylan would cope being stuck in his car seat for so many hours, but luckily he was pretty good, especially on the way up north. We had a few extra stops than we would normally make for nappy changes, but generally we had a good run, arriving just after 1pm. We also had our first experience using our portacot. I was a bit concerned that Dylan wouldn't find it very comfortable and we'd have a difficult time getting him to sleep, but he was great.

At least we now know that weekends away, dinners out at a restaurant, sleeping elsewhere is all entirely possible. I feel like things are getting back to a bit like the old 'pre-kids' normal. But in saying that, I realise just how fast this year is going and how quickly the end of the year, and the end of my maternity leave is looming.  Noooooo!!!

I headed into the city last Thursday and met up with my team from work to have lunch and a catch up. Of course the trains were all delayed which disrupted our plans a bit, but we eventually got there. I had a number of old biddies on the train wanting to play and talk to Dylan which kept him and I amused. Dylan has grown and changed quite a bit since I last took him in to work. All the girls had cuddles and took him off my hands for most of the time I was there. The only times I had him in my arms I got puked on, and then wee'd on through his nappy and clothes. Thanks Dylan! The question came up from everyone at work I encountered, when am I coming back?? I'm still saying November, as the full year of leave, but maybe I could be enticed to do a bit of work from home, here and there, before November... I just can't imagine going back to work full time at the moment. I don't want him in daycare just yet. I'd miss my daily cuddles too much!

We had another 'first' for Dylan early last week. I've been giving him his water after his solids for months now. It's been a messy affair as the water is in an open cup that I carefully hold up to his mouth and try to get some in his gob. I bought a sippy cup for him to use, but he just wasn't getting the hang of it too well. He finally got it, and then last week he decided he could hold the handles and do it himself! What a good lad!

I'm going to try to blog more often.... I promise!!



  1. Clever Dylan! Hey ... do I fall into the old biddie category ;0)

  2. Ha ha! Not until your 85 and have 10 grand kiddies that you want to talk to every man and his dog about on public transport! :-)


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