
During the past week my thoughts turned to the dreaded C-word.... yep, Christmas!  I just know it will be here before I can blink and I'm sure to be as unprepared as ever.  I've been thinking about what to get Dylan for both his birthday and for Christmas as they are so close together.  I started making a list of a few ideas and trying to have at least one bigger, memorable thing for each day.  One of the ideas I've had for a little while was a kids scooter.  I ran the idea past hubby who thought it sounded like a good idea.

Fast forward to today when our thoughts turned to our upcoming holiday to QLD.  Last year we took Dylan's little 3 wheeled trike with us.  It was perfect for the trip as it folded up small in the car and it had a handle for us to push him around on.  The trike is now getting a bit small for him so we thought maybe we won't take it with us this time.  The idea came up that maybe we should just bite the bullet and get the scooter now so he can get used to it before we take it on holidays.  So we jumped in the car and hit the shops to find the one we thought would be suitable.  Of course nothing is ever straightforward when it comes to assembling these kinds of kids toys.  Hubby was less than impressed with the instructions, let alone the quality of some of the small parts.

Nap time came, and I had to promise that his new scooter would be ready in time for him when he woke up.  In those 2 hours I heard ever conceivable power tool fired up from the garage!  I'm sure I heard drills, grinders, and all manner of noisy tools, just so the scooter would be improved... dare I say, modified, even??

So this afternoon we've had one very happy boy testing out his new ride and dramatically improving his scootering skills.

Happy boy, proud mumma!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Good on daddy for getting it all sorted. Looks like fun. So what's on the birthday/Christmas list now?

  2. Oh well done Daddy for overcoming the instructions! And yay for scooting, he looks so happy and proud :)


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