Appreciating the little things

We've continued to have a few sleeping issues transitioning Dylan from his swaddle suit to the sleeping bag, but it's getting a little better.  Sunday night we only had 2 wake ups which required resettling. One wasn't until 5am and the other 6:30am, so that was pretty darn good! When you don't get the sleep you feel you need, you start to appreciate the good sleeps you do get! Last night was pretty good too. He woke up at 11pm which caught me in such a deep deep sleep! No other wake ups until this morning. Phew!! 

Dylan didn't want a bar of going down for a nap this morning. It was really bad timing as I needed him to rest as we were meeting some of the mums for a coffee in a local cafe. When he did give in to sleep (45 minutes later!) I escaped and headed out into my garden. Now I don't profess to have a green thumb at all, but I do appreciate the things that choose to bloom and grow in my garden. Here are some of the things I spotted today...

The cheeky parsley that has escaped the herb pot and sprung up in the lawn!

The tomatoes are coming along

You know it's almost Christmas when you see these about to flower!

This rose opening in a crazy spiral pattern.

Not the prettiest bloom, but the most divine scent!

The strangest looking green grub I've ever seen!!

It was just plain weird! I couldnt tell its head from its ass!



  1. Whoa! That one needs dipping in egg and rolling in breadcrumbs! Get out the deep fryer!

    The sleeping issues are a true indication that your little man is growing up. Disturbed sleep is such a drag, every little thing becomes mountainous without good sleep. Just remember that when it comes to motherhood, your days are long but the years are short.



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