Here's the latest!

I was feeling guilty about not posting anything during the week.  It was a busy one, and by the time the day is done, Dylan is down to sleep for the night, all I want to do is curl up in front of the tv or go to bed.  That does NOT make for an exciting post.  So I read on another blog a quick way of keeping up some form of post about what's happening.  So here it is!

Making : A mess usually...
Cooking : Mini cupcake sized quiches for Dylan and bigger, but individual ones for hubby and I.  Just need some variations on the filling!
Drinking : Cups of tea.... or a nice glass of lemonade and a slice of lime
Reading: My notes from work.  Gotta present some topics at our work conference in a week or so. Eeeek!
Wanting: Summer weather to come back!
Looking: For a pair of skinny jeans to wear with my boots.  I DO NOT usually do skinny jeans.
Playing: With Dylan's cars and trucks and blocks on the floor
Wasting: Zucchini's... They are always dead by the time I go to use them in some kind of toddler friendly dish.
Wishing: For more daylight hours in the day. Loved getting home to Dylan after work and still having some sunshine outside to play in.
Enjoying: Hot baths and pampering... Time to use up some of cupboard full of bath products I have somehow accumulated.  Do they breed?!?!
Waiting: For inspiration to get my wardrobe organised better... It just doesn't happen
Liking: Starting to feel a bit more confident about my work presentation... I've been shitting bricks for a few weeks now!
Wondering: When will Dylan start to say a few words other than Mumma and Dadda... Surely it should be soonish... I hope
Loving: Dylan napping without fighting it. Maybe it's something to do with the lovely new thick warm winter weight sleeping bag I bought recently.
Hoping:  I will really get good value out of the photography course I'm doing next month.  Sounds silly to keep shooting in Auto mode on my new-ish camera
Marvelling: At Dylan understanding more and more of what we say.  It's just amazing!
Needing: To put some socks on... right nooooooowwww!
Smelling: Hopefully not too bad!!
Wearing: Jeans and a teal blue jumper
Following: Just started reading the Organised Housewife blog.... I'm a failure!!
Noticing: The weather getting so chilly in the early mornings waiting for the train to work.
Knowing: That I only need to get through 2 days of work before 2 days of home time with Dylan
Thinking: Maybe I should learn to do something creative.. like knitting or crocheting or something... Then I realise I have no patience and give up!
Feeling: Good
Bookmarking: Pudding recipes.... and then diets!
Opening: Ebay wins posted to me. Yay!
Giggling: At Dylan making silly faces at me


  1. 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans'

    Yay for knitting or crocheting!!! No giving up!!!

  2. He'll be talking in no time … then getting him to be quiet will be the problem … and the questions will start … those never, ending questions ;0)


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