Heat induced craziness

I'm starting to think that this never-ending heat is sending us all a bit bonkers. Saying silly things, doing dumb stuff. It's not just me, or hubby, but Dylan has gone a little loopy too. Yesterday we are sitting on the floor in the lounge room playing with a few of his toys. He runs around behind me, where I'm expecting him to jump on my back or tickle my feet. He instead pulls out the back waistband of my shorts and says 'mummy poo check'! Crazy kid!

I can't remember the weather being so hot and humid day after day quite like this summer. The heat doesn't usually bother me, but this humidity. OMG! It's just energy sapping.  I try to keep up with Dylan and his playtime, but lately I seem to end up sitting down while I get him to splash in his little baby pool, sit at his water table, or run under the sprinklers. I don't even mind so much when he 'accidentally' misses the mark watering the garden with the hose and I get a drenching!

One last noteworthy item, Dylan got through one of his 2 year old molars today. I noticed the little bumps in his mouth at the beginning of the week, but now it's broken through the gums. Fingers crossed it doesn't make his night-time sleeps any worse than they currently are. There's been too many nights of crying, only to find a hot sweaty boy who asks for a drink of water, a cuddle and to have his fan cranked up to cool him down. Poor bubba!



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