
Lunchtime today meant leftovers for all of us.  Dylan scored the meatballs and spaghetti, which probably wasn't the best idea considering I'd just put some blue and mostly white shorts on him!  The fork was mostly used just to fling spaghetti sauce on him, the highchair and us.  His hands were used to scoop up a meatball or fistfuls of spaghetti and shovel as much in his gob as humanly possible.  To give him credit, there was probably a bit too much sauce on it, so there was no escaping the mess, but I just love the little "sauce beard" he ended up with.  Even his ears copped it too!  The more he ate the more tired and contentment I could see in his face.  With just a hint of cheekiness to boot!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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