
The cooler weather has hit, and so has the first colds of the season.  Dylan has been a bit snotty for about a week now and so have I.  We took the shots for this weeks photo a couple of days ago hopefully in the peak of his cold.  Too many of the shots had to be rejected cos of looming snot bubbles about to pop out his nose! Nice eh?

We were super excited as we enjoyed some afternoon sunshine.  After what seems no time at all (my blog tells me it's been 7 weeks), the first of our cherry tomatoes were ready to pick.  Dylan has been poking and prodding them for days and days, so I'm happy that they've lasted this long on the vine!  We had 2 to pick and you just couldn't wipe the smile off his face.  After one was carefully washed, he happily plonked it in his gob and chomped away.  One big pop sent tomato juice and seeds flying out his mouth, down his arms and all over the side of the house! What a spectacular mess from one tiny tomato!  

It's been such a great little project for us, from potting the little seedlings, to carefully watering them and feeding them from our worm farm.  Dylan seems to really enjoy the whole process and I'm so pleased he's happy to eat what he's grown.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Oh poor boy - there's been a horrid summer cold doing the rounds around here and it totally floored my littlest daughter. I'm glad that the tomatoes have provided so much fun!


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