
We decided to bake some biscuits yesterday.  My little helper was very interested in everything that I did, from creaming the butter and sugar together ("whats that?" as he pointed to the KitchenAid), to measuring out the vanilla paste ("whats that?" as he pointed to the measuring spoons).  There were so many questions to ask apparently!  He was quite upset when I didn't let him crack the egg and mix it through, but I seemed to make up for it when he was allowed to sift the flour into the bowl for me.  I managed to stop him from tipping it upside down so he could see where the flour came out; crisis averted!  The best part (aside from eating them warm and fresh from the oven), was definitely putting the chocolate beanies on top in the most random and haphazard way he knew how!  Love my little kitchen helper!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Masterchef in the making! Save one for Grandma xxx


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