
Second last week of work done and dusted.  Looking forward to my last 3 days of work this coming week then a chance to try and rest up before this bub makes an entrance.  I'm noticing that I'm becoming more and more drained by just everyday duties, and today, getting down onto the floor to play with Dylan was no exception.  After a very short stint on the floor I just had to get up and move around.  There was definitely no sneaky shots of him from around the corner playing.  I sat his chair up, told him to sit, and that was that!  Of course he thought it was hilarious and wanted to copy everything I did.  So here he is holding his imaginary camera snapping away right back at me.  I even got told to "say cheese mummy"!!

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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