
What can I say, more poor sleeps, more frustration... until Friday!  I had a terrible few days without quality day sleeps, tears (him and I), and general misery.  I was really getting just so upset about it that I knew I had to do something to change things up and try making a few differences to our day to day, hour to hour processes, in the hope of getting some contentment.  And wow what a difference!!  Tristan immediately was so much more capable of self settling.  I can now put him down for a nap awake, and he will drift off pretty quickly, and often I don't even need to go in and pop the dummy back in.  He will now doze off for approximately 1 sleep cycle, averaging 40 minutes which is ever so much more than the 10 minutes or less we were getting before.  It's just such a huge improvement!  From there we are now trying to get multiple sleep cycles without the need for resettling during the day.  Sure it's meant that he's not so utterly exhausted and therefore sleeping hugely long sessions during the night, but I can handle that.  Happy days!

This week Tristan decided to model a gorgeous new winter outfit given to him by one of his great aunts.  I dug out the little Bonds boots I had from when Dylan was a baby to keep his sweet little toes toasty warm.  He looked so cosy and cute.

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016

Dylan has been somewhat less inclined for tantrums this week, such a nice change.  I guess as Tristan's sleep improves, it means that Dylan gets more attention from me.  When I know we'll have a good stretch of time to play together, to talk, cuddles on the lounge, or whatever he wants to do, it makes us both happier.  I've also noticed longer stretches of him having independent play.  Being content to occupy his time with some simple toys, and not demanding my attention, especially when I'm busy feeding or changing Tristan.  I spotted him playing with his little Kombi, filled with his "friends", chatting away happily.  Love this boy!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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