
Lately I've spent quite a bit of time sitting on the floor playing with both the boys. Plenty of cuddles, handling toys, smooches and wiping up dribbly messes goes on in the lounge room.  With Tristan now pulling himself upright a fair bit I'm constantly hovering over him, ready to catch him as he tumbles to the floor. 

I figured this week's shot could be something a bit different, but just another part of these two boys that I've been looking down at this week.  I had to google the right term, and it turns out they are called "hair whorls" or "crowns".

Dylan - My big boy with the much rarer double whorl. It's just so sweet!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - Just a simple clockwise single whorl for you baby boy!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017


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