
Dylan - I get my camera out and once again so do you.  There's been quite a few photos this past week with you and your baby brother starting daycare.  You hug him and kiss him and take care of him like such a sweet heart.  You always oblige when I ask for a photo. I'm sure most of the "photos" you take of me aren't quite so favourable!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017

Tristan - Daycare began this past week and you did great.  Your sleeping wasn't fantastic, but that's to be expected in your first week.  The girls all loved you and you were sweet and happy and enjoyed yourself.  Maybe almost as much as you enjoy playing in Dylan's room.  Dylan's toys are THE BEST!  Any chance you get I find you crawling off towards his room.  And speaking of crawling, this week you decided that proper crawling was quite ok too. There's still plenty of commando crawling, but it's quickly being outstripped by full hands and knees crawling. It's been quite a week baby boy!

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2017



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