I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay

There is something very very wrong with my hubby. I don't know why he's like that... Actually I do. He's just like his mother. A bunch of tree hugging greenies they are not! My hubby loves cutting down trees. Whole trees. Selected branches. What ever. It just needs to be cut down according to him. Why exactly does it NEED to be cut own?? Don't ask, you'll get some mumbling, shrugging of shoulders, a cheeky grin and he's off! 

I'd say his preferred method of destruction is with a chainsaw. The bigger the noisier the better. It must be some kind of manly show of just who's the boss. Him. Not the poor tree!  He also doesn't mind a bit of a workout with a handsaw or bush saw.  He's also a bit partial to his parents pole saw. 

My poor garden is rather bereft of trees as a result. No sooner is something planted and begins to grow does he decide it needs a 'trim'. Unfortunately his idea of a trim and my idea are vastly different. I now have a section of garden out the front of the house that is out of bounds to him. He is not to touch it in any way, shape, or form. He can water it, but nothing else. He has been banned. It is MY garden and I will be responsible for it at all times.  My poor pepper tree in the backyard has been trimmed so many times it now resembles a strangely lob sided tree. There are branches that go over the fence and over the roof of the next door neighbours brick garage. We are not fond of those neighbours and wouldn't dare cut it on their side of the fence, nor access those branches by standing on their property.  There are also branches that hang over the roof of the garage of the neighbour over the back fence. That neighbour is a sweet old lady and would be fine with the branches being trimmed. But unfortunately her garage is a weak looking structure with asbestos roofing. My hubby wouldn't dare stand on that roof for fear of not only falling through, but the health hazard of disturbing the asbestos. So this leaves just the branches in our yard, and he trims them, and trims them, and trims them again!

Now this lack of trees in our yard doesn't quash his desire to chop. He'll happily eye off the trees in the neighbours yards, his parents yard, and any other family members. He's had many an enjoyable weekend at my mums house getting his fix of chainsaw fumes and itchy skin.  I'll go along with it happily as I get to spend some time with my mum and she gets the  trees she wanted removed cut down for free. What I don't like is his attempts at the neighbours trees! For example this one down the side of our driveway, technically not ours, but on the neighbours land. Previously a few metres taller than it is now....

The same neighbours used to have a lovely macadamia tree right beside the fence. Each year the lovely macadamia nuts would grow and fall off the tree, often on our side of the fence. So I would happily scoop them up and mind them until they were good to nibble on. Fair enough the leaves on that tree constantly fell off on our side of the fence and they were terribly spiky. One toe into one of those leaves and you'd know all about it! But the free nuts... Yum yum yum!! One day when my hubby was chatting to the neighbours the subject of the tree came up. They were very interested in having it removed and anyone who would volunteer to remove it for free was more than welcome. So, that was the end of my free macadamias. Bugger!

The nasty neighbours also have a large gumtree in their backyard. It drops leaves all over our backyard and sends my hubby bonkers! He can't do anything about that one. Maybe those said neighbours will sell up and move and new neighbours will come and be happy for a mad chainsaw man to come over for a visit!

The sweet old lady over the back fence also had a large palm tree in her backyard. It's right on the back fence and very close to our garage wall. My hubby thought he would do her a 'favour' and suggest he remove it for her. She was relatively keen, but said her son in law who would help is busy fixing her windows at the moment. She would get back to him. Not to be deterred he said he could start without the son in laws help and get the top part removed. I'm sure she thought that would be a while before the action commenced. Not so, then one day later, whilst hubby is a bit bored, he borrows his parents pole saw... I popped out the backyard 10 mins later to find this.

Then this.

And then this...

Oh dear!
Stop it Mr Chainsaw Man! I'll report you to the greenies!



  1. Hahahaha! He needs a few acres of bush to satisfy that chainsaw fetish! There's some for sale just round the corner . . . . hint, hint :-) xxx

    Those new books arrived yet? You know we'll need a book report here soon!


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