
Week 11

What can I say about this week??  Not much other than there has been a serious lack of sleep.  I can mostly blame this lack of shut eye on the weeny boy, but otherwise I only have myself to blame.  One night out with my girlfriends was the culprit on one of those occasions.  But it was such a fun night, no kiddies, no husbands, just a few hours of good girl gossiping and frivolity!  The next day, being a work day, no amount of concealer would hide the under eye bags. The only thing to do was dose up on coffee and get through the day.  It was good in theory, but after multiple coffees; more than I would normally drink, I was buzzing! I was still buzzing at about 3am the next morning... Not the way to get a good night's sleep.

One piece of exciting news for the week was that I finally got my new digital SLR camera! Yippee!!  The bad news is... I don't know how to use it other than "Auto" mode which kinda defeats the purpose. Oh well... It's something new to learn and understand and I certainly like a challenge.

Today has been a quiet and mostly relaxing day. Yesterday we had one of my good friends (she was one of my bridesmaids) and her husband over for lunch. Just a casual BBQ and a chance to catch up on all the goings on since they got married in December.  Ahhh... newlyweds... so sweet!  So today has definitely been quiet, a chance to be lazy... eat leftovers and chill out.  I was testing out my new camera while watching Dylan eat his lunch.  A vegemite & cheese sandwich eaten two-handed; all the better for shoving in the gob!

A photo of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
 Linking up with Jodi and Project 52.


  1. Vegemite and cheese sandwiches are best eaten two handed ;0)

    1. I think he does it any way to maximise the mess! xx

  2. awww... what a little cutie you have! good luck learning how to use your camera. don't worry you will get the hang of it. just google around for manual camera settings tutorials. once you learn the basics it becomes so much fun!! :)

    1. Thanks Dena. I think I'd better sign myself up to a hands on photography course too. I'm going to need all the help I can get!


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