Photo fun in the garden

It's been raining here overnight so the ground was wet and we had some puddles on the driveway. Perfect puddles for jumping in, stomping in, kicking water everywhere wearing gumboots!!  I had one of those awful 'getting older birthday thingies' over the weekend. I did score some fab prezzies including a pair of gumboots so I can join in the water fun with Dylan.  

Hubby is away with work for a few days now so I've been trying to keep Dylan occupied with fun things to do. This morning we decided that it was definitely a gumboot wearing morning.  Dylan was having fun playing under the Camellia's until he grabbed a handful of dirt and leaves and promptly headed over to the carport and got the lid off our green gardening bin, where he dumped his handful of muck.

And just like his Daddy (Mr Neat Freak) he began dragging the green gardening bin over to the lawn under the Camellias.  Here he began doing Daddy's clean up for him!! The leaves, twigs, and fallen pink petals all got scooped up and put in the bin!! I just stood there in amazement of my little gardener extraordinaire!!

Then he decided he had to go get the lid so the garden clippings wouldn't fall out or blow away...
And finally that bin was just too enticing, he had to knock it over and "play" with everything he had just cleaned up! 

Apologies about the atrocious photos.  Bad iPhone shots cos I only had my phone handy.  And as for the editing... I downloaded some photo editing software online and had to have a play.



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