
Week 22

It feels like it was a long long time since I posted just last weekend.  I had my work conference down on the Great Ocean Road during the week which meant 3 days away.  I tucked my weeny boy into bed on Tuesday night and didn't see him again until Friday night. I've never spent a night away from him and boy it hurt! The conference kept me busy, so I didn't have time to fall in a heap and cry, but it doesn't mean I wasn't constantly thinking about him.

When I did get home he had some big smiles and the best cuddles for me.  Love my little man so much!  So since Friday night I've been trying to spend quality time with him, doing fun things and keeping him entertained.  This morning we emptied out his little cart and put a few select toys in. He happily walked up and down the hallways pulling his little cart behind him.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
Breakfast spilt down your front, crazy unkempt curls, but you're having fun and we can't help but smile.

Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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