Back at work - One year on

Today marks exactly 1 year since I had my very first day back at work from maternity leave. I just can't believe its been a whole year, yet it also feels like a lot has happened and a lot has changed since I had that first day back at work.  I feel like I'm in a good routine now. I don't feel quite so lost at work, yet I'm always learning which makes my job pretty darn enjoyable. When I left for work this morning, it was a very different feeling to a year ago.  I still miss my weeny boy, but at least I know he's in good hands at his daycare.  We still have big cuddles and loads of kisses when I say goodbye, but my heart doesn't break quite so much.

A year ago, Dylan was just on 11 months old. He had done his first ever commando crawl on the 21st November and then walked by the 10th December. He still seemed like such a baby. He was so wobbly on his feet, but had a determination to get mobile.  The toys he played with were very much baby toys, and now the ones he plays with are so different. He has an imagination, he can be cheeky, and sometimes quite chatty. He's no baby, but a fully fledged toddler.  He may be a big mummy's boy, but that's okay by me!

Work has changed too. My team has changed. Team members have gone, new ones have started. We have an extra 2 people starting next week as we have bought out another company and will be taking on a whole lot of extra work. We all seem to get on so well, or if we don't, I guess I just don't notice anymore. Silly work issues are just not so important since Dylan entered my life. He's changed my perspective on things and I don't seem to get so caught up. I go to work, do my job, enjoy it, and at the end of the day I leave it all behind and enjoy being at home with my boys.



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