
Well the week from gastro hell is slowly coming to a close.  Unfortunately it did get worse before it got better with hubby being struck down on Friday night.  So it meant Saturday was a quiet one with Dylan and I spending the entire day together and keeping out of hubby's way... the way from the bedroom directly to the nearest bathroom, or bucket! 

Saturday morning was the first day all week that I actually felt like I could stomach a coffee.  Usually our weekend ritual entails some kind of breaky before I make us a good coffee where we usually just sit together, chat about our day or the plans we have.  Over the last few weeks Dylan has gotten in on our weekend coffee ritual with a sweet babycino to sip on and join us in our chatter.  Yesterday he leapt at the chance to join me for coffee.  As I started getting the machine ready he toddled off down the hallway and got his little step that he uses in the bathroom.  He brought it over and stood beside me watching me make my coffee and commenting on the noisy milk frothing.  For a sweet treat, Dylan got a tiny drop of chocolate syrup in his babycino.  You could just see the sweetness hit when he took a sip.  He's trying so hard to be a big boy, but come nap time, he's just my baby once again.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. He's a coffee snob already! You should send a copy to Amelia


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