Out with the old

In the past few weeks I've been trying to put aside a little time each week to do a little clean out. Not too much so it seems like a chore, but enough to feel good, like I'm achieving something. Now I wouldn't say I'm a hoarder, but the more cupboard space I have, the more stuff I seem to accumulate.  So far I've done minor reviews of my wardrobe, yet there's been quite a few bags worth of clothes either chopped up for garage rags, or off to the bin, plus one bag of stuff off to the Salvo's. I was inspired by a work colleague to even give the old handbag collection a review. Again there were items binned and a number that will also head to the Salvo's.  Why did I keep all this stuff?? 

My shoe collection wasn't immune to the clean out.  There were high heels that were too far gone to be worth repairing that were chucked. Old casual shoes, ugly thongs, and a pair of gorgeous kitten heels that I loved, but post-baby, are just that pinch too small. I was sad to see them go!  I just can't deal with uncomfortable shoes that I need to do a reasonable amount of walking in.   There's still a couple of pairs of shoes on death row, so close to being binned, but I'll give them a couple of weeks to see if they decide to work their way back into my daily wardrobe. 

I had a spare 10 minutes this morning while hubby was playing with Dylan so I attacked another small section of my wardrobe.  This time it was a never ending collection of nail polishes.  For the past couple of years I've been on the search for the perfect light to medium pink polish.  It's like searching for the holy grail!! There's been a few promising options, but they are just never quite right! Too pale, too see-through, horrible glittery bits, too flat, too bright, and the list goes on.  My latest purchase was this... 

Sugar Daddy!! I thought it could be the one! See how pretty that pink looks over the white marshmallow?? Yeah... It does NOT look like that. It's much paler, much more see through, even after multiple coats. It's nice, but just not what I wanted. Anyway, my collection got quite the clean out today. Probably 15 bottles GONE! Yay! After 'sugar daddy' is removed I'll try again on one of my bottles that didn't get pitched. I need some pretty toes to peep out of the beautiful new espadrilles I bought last week.  There's always a good excuse for a clean out...!



  1. Doesn't a good clean out feel good!

    Lipstick colours can be the same - they look right in the tube - not so much on the lips! Very frustrating . . . xx


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