
This week we had Dylan's daycare Christmas party.  He's been so excited about the party for a couple of weeks now.  They had an entertainer singing Christmas carols in front of the children and encouraged them to join in with musical instruments and singing along.  I did see Dylan joining in a bit, but he loved winding his way through the crowd back to where hubby and I were sitting and chatting to us about the party or just hugging us.  The daycare had been advertising for a parent to volunteer as a Santa for a few weeks, but it seems none stepped up to the challenge.  I tried suggesting to Hubby that he'd make a great Santa... nothing to do with the big jelly belly though!  I just thought it would be sweet to be in the thick of it handing out gifts to all the children and see the excitement in their faces.  But he wouldn't have a bar of it.  Instead the lone male trainee carer ended up taking on the challenge.  Quite a slender barely 20 year old, with a cushion stuffed down his cheap Santa suit, it was quite amusing for us, and I'm sure some of the more switched on older children might have thrown a few suspicious glances his way!

Dylan was so excited to see Santa arrive, but when the crowd of kiddies surged toward the jolly fellow, he cried and stepped out the back of the group.  We encouraged him forward with a cuddle and he soon got back into the thick of it.  He raced back to us clutching his present, just so excited to receive one.  He happily posed with his gift before tearing it open and demanding we start reading his new book straight away.  My little sweetheart. Can't believe this time next week we'll be celebrating his 3rd birthday.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. Poor skinny Santa! That nearly 3 year old looks thrilled with his present xxx


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