
It's been such a hectic week, but thankfully I can say it's over and the craziness of Christmas is about to hit.  There really isn't anything I can say about this week other than someone turned 3! Hooray!  My weeny boy isn't so weeny anymore and likes to call himself a "big boy".  We felt we just couldn't do a big party with all the trimmings this year, so a simple afternoon tea with close family was more than enough.  We kept it simple and I'm so glad we hadn't planned anything bigger as it was just so hot.  The air con was cranked up and the house was bursting with so many people in such a small space.  It's the few times like these that I really wish for a bigger house.  But it's the before and after the party clean ups that I again appreciate the small space we call home.

Happy birthday Dylan!  You are the most special little man and we just adore you.

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



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