Testing testing 1 2 3...

Welcome. Hello.
This is blog post #1.

What am I doing writing a blog? Well, I can tell you I'm really not sure. I woke up yesterday with this itch to write what was going on. I started to set up this blog and well... Life just got in the way. So here I am. What to say? Well maybe I guess I should start with a bit about me and what was on my mind yesterday that made me want to write.

So me. My name is Belinda Harris. I am a wife and now a new mum to a gorgeous new bubba boy. I'm on maternity leave from my job and enjoying my time at home. I'm expecting to go back to work near the end of the year, so for now I'm trying to make the most of my time with my wee boy. I'm married to Leigh who's been the love of my life for the last 13 years. We've not long ago celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. Boy time does fly! We certainly never rushed into marriage as there was always so much to do, namely renovations on our house and working on our cars. Leigh and I met at a car club. We both had Volkswagens and soon enough Leigh was doing the majority of the work on my car and the rest, as they say is history!

My son Dylan was born just before Christmas last year. I was hoping for a special birth date, being 12/12/2012. But I didn't get it. I was due on Christmas Eve, but we were all hoping it would happen long enough before Christmas so I could be out of hospital. As luck would have it I went into labour and Dylan Riley Harris was born 12 minutes late from being born at 20:12 on the 20th of the 12th, in the year 2012. So that's a bit special! I was discharged from hospital on Christmas Eve and so we got to have our first Christmas together at home.

So back to why the blog... Yesterday I decided enough was enough. Stretchy maternity clothes may be comfy, but I can't get away with them forever. I decided some of them just had to be packed away. Forever? Maybe. Until another baby is on the way? I'm not sure. I felt like it was a momentous occasion saying goodbye to those clothes. I'm sure many women go through the same thing. Letting go of the pieces they wore during such an amazing and exciting time in their lives. I did feel some sadness, but also joy at the thought that we are moving on and getting into the swing of being a little family of 3. I hear from so many women that these early days with a new bub just go so fast. That soon enough my boy won't want to be cuddled by his mum, that he won't fall asleep on my chest and I can just hold him. Listening to him breathe. I may not do this again so I felt it was worth recording. A handwritten journal seems so old fashioned these days. No easy way to pop in the odd happy snap of the days events. Sure it's more personal, but just not the 'done' thing these days. So here it is. My very own blog. I can't guarantee I'll write every day, let alone every week. This could all fall in a heap next week. But I'll give it a go for now.

So signing off for now.


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