Its all about to change

I had my last proper 2 day working week this week.  Next week it all starts... daycare... 3 days at work... hubby back at work full time.  Everything is changing, but I'm kinda excited by it all.

This week I had a great catch up with some of the mums and bubs from our playgroup. One of those mums, my dear friend Kim and her family are up and moving to NZ for a change of scenery. We'll miss her and her cutie pie Lucas at our catch ups.  What a difference everyone and everything will be when we do see her again.  Our bubs won't be so weeny anymore!

Dylan had his orientation at daycare on Thursday.  He joined in with their morning tea (yay for food!) and then headed outside for some playtime.  He enjoyed checking out their toys and spent plenty of time watching what the other babies were doing.  All the carers seemed lovely.  I'm hoping Dylan will settle in ok.  I know I'll cry when it's time to leave him there next week, but at least I know he'll be well looked after.

I downloaded a few photos from my camera this week, mostly taken just after Christmas.  There were a few shots that just made me smile so I figured I should share...

Mr Pointy Finger

Clapping but with an odd look on his face!

Cheeky boy!

Rather glum riding his Tonka truck

Enjoying a chew on a door stop

Reached up to get his water off the table

Poppy the poser!

Chewing the peg bucket


Looking for more pegs


  1. He's looking so grown up. Have you labelled all his belongings ready for daycare? How did daycare time come round so fast?

    1. He can't look grown up, he's my baaaaaaby!!!
      Labels are almost all done. Clothes are done except for a few in the wash. Had to go buy an extra sippy cup and formula dispenser today so they will get labelled later. Time has flown! I got his place organised in November and since then he's crawled, walked and so much has happened yet it feels like yesterday!!

  2. Look at all those teeth ... when Alex turned 1 he had 1 tooth ... yep 1 tooth.

    1. Only 1 tooth?? Wow ! That would be a gummy smile for a 1 year old! He certainly caught up though! xx


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