A bit more camera testing...

Again this week I've tried to get out and play with the new camera. Trying to get some lovely shots of Dylan going about his usual routine and playtimes.

He's getting so long and tall... Trying to open up Daddy's car door...

Out in the garden he delighted in picking some cherry tomatoes.  And then proceeded to squish them!

Until he found something else to focus his attention on...

Cuddles with Daddy in the backyard

Boys and their toys!

And then this afternoon we headed off for a drive to a park not too far away, with a slight hidden agenda!

We then walked down the hill and onto the sand...

We checked out all the tiny crabs!

Check out this boy's head of curls. It's just too adorable for words! And it should NOT be cut off... never... ever...!

 As for that slight hidden agenda. Well hubby and I had both spotted a house for sale on Domain that we quite liked. So we did an ever so subtle drive by. Shame it will go for probably a lot more than it's being advertised for.  Bugger!



  1. Oooh ... that sounds intriguing. You've got to be in it to win it!!

    1. And you'll have to have loads and loads of cash to win it too!! The house next to the one we were interested in is also up for sale. Not too much different really, but an extra $500k in price! Sadly I think we'll skip the auction next week.


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