
Week 49

This afternoon we finally got around to putting up our Christmas tree.  As I dragged down the dusty box, I could see Dylan was excited.  He ended up helping me put together the entire tree, while hubby lay on the lounge.  As each row of branches came together, you could just see he was processing what was going on.  He had to help when adding the baubles, and the tinsel had to get dragged up the hallway and back with happy squealing going on before it was allowed anywhere near the tree.  There were big smiles all round when the tree's lights were switched on.

We've also got some outdoor Christmas lights on our front veranda.  Each evening before bedtime we take Dylan out there to enjoy the "twinkle twinkle" as he calls it.  His eyes just light up. Its so lovely to see something so simple seem so special.  There was some beautiful lighting happening out there, a bit of a break between storms. 

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014
Joining in with Jodi and Project 52.



  1. This is the joy of Christmas for kids, how they love the magic of it! Then, when we get old, we lose the magic and we wonder where it went

    1. I'm thinking I'm gonna start to enjoy Christmas once again! Xx


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