We saw Santa!

We HATED Santa!

I took Dylan into the city last week to go visit Santa at Myers.  I had been in Myers around lunch time at the beginning of the week to do some Christmas shopping and I noticed that there really wasn't many people around. There were no queues at all to see Santa.  I figured having little to no wait times was at least a step in the right direction when it came to a successful Santa photo. 

Last year, we went to see Santa at one of the local shopping centres. Dylan wasn't even 1 year old.  We plonked him down on Santa's lap, and he happily sat there pretty oblivious to what was going on.  He looked up at Santa a few times and it just didn't faze him.  It turned out a pretty good shot I think!

But this year... oh dear! He took one look at that bearded man in the red suit and wouldn't go near him! I tried sitting him on Santa's lap, but it ended with screaming, crying, wriggling, and a really really bad photo that I wasn't going to pay $30 for!  The guy suggested we go away for a while, calm down, take his mind off it, and then come back later.  So that's what we did.  We did a little shopping, before heading off to Martin Place to see the big Christmas tree, then as it was so stinking hot and muggy, we visited my office, and took advantage of the excited babysitters (my colleagues), and the air conditioning!  After half an hour of play time we left and headed back to try for round two.  By the time we got to Myers, Dylan had nodded off in the stroller.  As we entered the little room where Santa was, I carefully picked Dylan up out of the stroller and carried him over to Santa.  He woke up, stared up at Santa, and screamed!!  There was no happy ending unfortunately. 

The following day I wanted to take Dylan to one of the local shopping centres and get him measured up for some new shoes as I knew he was rapidly outgrowing his old ones.  We got the shoes and as he headed off, I thought we may as well try our luck at the Santa in their Myers.  We got there, we queued, we were happy to watch Santa, we smiled at the other kiddies sitting on Santa, but when it came to our turn, just walking up to him caused a drama.  As it turned out, they had some issues with the printer, so we got to talk and play with Santa and his toys and helpers for about 10 minutes before the camera was ready.  This was as close as we got to Santa while not crying...

So I'm a bit unsure what to do, I'd really like a Santa photo, but don't want to push him into something he doesn't like or feel comfortable doing.  I guess even if it turns out a terrible photo, it's sure to be a memorable one.  Even if I have to pay $30 for the privilege!



  1. You certainly wouldn't be the first to have a screaming baby/santa photo ... besides think of the fun when you bring it out at his 21st!!! I was lucky my kids loved Santa ... and yes ... I STILL take them for a photo each Xmas :0)


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