No Mummy, this is a Percy train!

There's no fooling this boy.  Thomas is blue.  I should know that.  Percy is green apparently.  I didn't know until I googled it. 

Last weekend we took a ride on a steam train from Central all the way down to Wollongong and back.  We'd been telling Dylan about going on a train all week, and finally the day arrived.  He was so excited to be going on a "real train", as opposed to what? A fake train??  Who knows!  We drove to a local train station to get a maybe-not-quite-real train into Central.  Here we found that Mummy was wrong and had been winding him up all week with the promise of a Thomas train.  Toddlers are sure quick to point out your mistake!!
We spotted the Percy train!

The Percy train!
We hopped onboard and took our seats.  Dylan was just so thrilled to see EVERYTHING!  From the sounds of the train, the steam out the window, the gentle rocking as we chugged along the tracks.  We watched out the window as so many people stopped, waved, took photos or videos of our old Percy train.  It really seemed to make people genuinely happy.

We decided that we would take full advantage of the entire trip and ride the Percy train all the way to Wollongong instead of disembarking at either of the 2 earlier stops; Scarborough or Austinmer.  At Wollongong we hopped on the shuttle buses down to Wollongong Harbour where we walked along the beach and played in the park.  Dylan happily guzzled the fish & chips we ordered for lunch, and then we were off, back to the shuttle buses to get back in time for the return train trip.

At Wollongong Harbour
Once we did get back on the train, we took advantage of a few spare seats before we got to the first station. Dylan was chuffed he got to sit in his own seat for a while.  But he was rubbing his eyes and starting to look pretty tired.  

Dylan didn't see a lot of the return trip as he curled up in my arms and fell asleep.  He wasn't the only one either.  The train was full of old fuddy duddies who couldn't keep their eyes open!  We saw plenty of heads nodding off in the warm afternoon sunshine with the train gently rocking them on their way to the land of nod!

We had a fantastic day out and Dylan really enjoyed his time on the Percy train.  We really need to plan more fun-filled days out like this.



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