VW cruise to St Albans

So last weekend really was a busy one.  On the Sunday we decided to join a few others on a navigational run with our car club.  We hadn’t been on a car club run in ages, so it was nice it get the Kombi out and go for a drive.  It was our club's 30th Anniversary, and this same route we were about to take was first done on the original run of the club.

We met up with all the other starters at Parramatta.  We got our question sheet, and hit the road carefully following the directions.  We managed to not miss any important signs, or take any wrong turns which was a miracle!  It really was a nice drive and Dylan happily sat in his seat looking out the Kombi windows.  He only really got a bit cranky after we told him we were going on a boat, but when we got there, he wasn’t allowed out of the car.  I guess the ferry across the river there is a pretty short ride and so they don’t allow people to get out and have a good look around.

We finally made it to the pub at St Albans, where the cruise ended and we could order a good pub lunch.  All the cars parked together and everyone seemed to sit around under the trees, have a few drinks, chat and catch up on all the latest.

After lunch, the winners of the question sheet were awarded, and people eventually started to head off.  Turns out we did better than expected and came first!  Winners are grinners!!

The trip home was uneventful, but it felt like a long long way.  Another great day out, albeit a tiring one.


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